Quit with the doom and gloom, and remember that even the greatest Phillie ever was a streaky player

Lots of low effort posts trashing Trea Turner lately. I get it, the dude is making more money than any of us could ever imagine, least he could do is field the ball and get a few hits! But whether you’re old enough to remember first hand, or if it was 20 years before your time, it’s worth reflecting on perhaps the most legendary Philadelphia Phillie of all time.

I found this great article written over 40 years ago (1 year before all the stars aligned in ‘80) about Schmidt’s hot streak of ‘79, and his streaky woes over the prior year.

Now, I’m not comparing Turner to Schmidt. I’m just saying, it has happened to the greatest of the greats, but one bad year didn’t stop us from winning the World Series a couple years later. And who’s to say Trea can’t bounce back and make an impact sooner than that?

If nothing else, this is worth a read just because it was written in an era where journalists actually wrote. Share it with your dad and talk about good memories. Forget about the disappointment of yesterday, and think about what good today can bring.

Go Phillies

  1. Agreed and on May 25 last year we had the same record of 20-24 and people were also crying. Seemed to turn out pretty well in the end if I remember correctly.

  2. Also at the start of the season, 90% of the people in this sub said Castellano was a washed up bum. Instead he’s the MVP so far

  3. It’s not gloom and doom when your team wastes your time watching them because they are playing like crap. I call it be observant and accurately describing the product. And comparing it to last year is also silly. You CAN bury yourself early in a hole you can’t get out of. And we haven’t even played the Braves, Mutts and marlins yet. So, I have watched this team since 1965 and have no intention of stopping now. But getting upset with how bad they are playing is
    Not wrong.

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