Six hours old. First life lesson, we always root against the Lakers!


  1. So tiny!!! What a precious sweet blob. I remember when mine were that new. Really brings back some memories. Anyway, I hope you all get some rest tonight. (Pro tip: if baby is fussy, rock them slowly at a slight incline while cooing “fuck the Lakers”)

  2. I can’t imagine watching a sports game six hours after my baby is born hahaha

    Who am I to judge though? Maybe it’s your 4th child or something..

  3. Nice congrats man! It’s a good day when you have a baby AND the Lakers lose

  4. hell yeah! What’d name the lil guy? Terry? Damian?? Rasheed??? Bonzi?????

  5. Love how all Laker fans scroll thru their feeds tonight to find posts from every other fanbase dedicated to them. Lost the game but man is the rent pouring in

  6. Congratulations! Just had my first in March. Taught her about the heartbreak of being a blazer fan lol.

    Go nuggets.

  7. Damn, why do all you guys hate the Lakers? I’m from Oregon, born and raised, I’ve been to some Blazers games, and I love the Blazers, but I also love the Lakers.

  8. My 8-week old is also learning to root against the Lakers. The hospital TV had Root sports but the definition was incredibly bad. Reminds me of TV in 2003

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