A’s broadcaster Glen Kuiper fired after using racial slur on air

A’s broadcaster Glen Kuiper fired after using racial slur on air

  1. Curious to hear what the internal investigation found if that truly is why they decided to go ahead with firing him. He screwed up but it seemed accidental.

  2. Ridiculous. Unless the “internal review” uncovered something major, there’s no reason to fire someone over a slip of the tongue

  3. On the one hand we’ve all had a slip where our mouth said something we didn’t intend.

    On the other, my mouth has never slipped up and said n****r. 🤷

  4. As he should have fucking been. There is no reason for a professional broadcaster to drop the n-word, your one job is to be eloquent. If it’s so easy for you to mispronounce “negro” (which is utter bullshit) then maybe you are in the wrong career. MLB claims to want to reach out to Black fans but it’s apparent that fans of the league don’t want us, given all the baseball fans I’ve seen saying Kuiper shouldn’t be punished.
    Sidenote….lots of people saying “if Bob Kendrick says don’t fire him, well then all Black people should be forgiving”….Bob was specifically chosen to do the Negro League stuff for MLB The Show due to his ability to sanitize the real horrible shit done to Black players at the time for white fans, he’s not going to say anything that would potentially upset the league.

  5. New rule, don’t talk about the Negro Leagues a nymore.

    20 years from now, everyone will forget it existed.

  6. Bothers me extra because he was really energetic and passionate while talking about the negro league and his tongue slipped

  7. I knew without clicking in that there would be a bunch of posts of people defending him revealing himself.

  8. Players intentionally beat their wives, cheat and win championships – I sleep

    Announcer accidentally uses a slur, apologies – REAL SHIT

  9. I’m guessing he wouldn’t follow the team to Las Vegas anyway right?

  10. This is ridiculous. He clearly fumbled over his words and didn’t actually mean to say what he said.

  11. I can’t believe we now live in a society where all the 15 year old perpetually-outraged, terminally-online brainlets can destroy people’s careers by screeching things like, “Eek, an obviously-accidental mispronunciation of the phrase ‘Negro League Museum’ in a way that unfortunately sounded like a slur is definitive proof that this dude hurls racial slurs constantly in his free time!”

  12. It’s because he didn’t apologize to the folks who sign his paychecks at Fox Sports

  13. I am a self-described communist (like actual – not a liberal cosplaying as one), have a career in defending people of color in the criminal justice system of a major US city, and hold two social science degrees where I focused on systemic racial and economic inequality and its intersection with the penal system. I make shit pay because I’m dedicated to my labor being used in any way possible to defend poor black and brown people. I’m a white guy, also. However, I would venture to say that I interact with more people of color in a personal and professional setting than a lot of people in this comment section. Those interactions are also genuine, passionate, and at times extremely sad due to the work I do.

    It’s lame as fuck the way people approach situations like these and all it does is further trivialize and obfuscate true, brutal systemic racism in favor of easy “gotcha” performative shit like this. Seeing a bunch of undoubtedly white liberal children in here talk about this like it’s some great accomplishment for equality or that it 100% indicates that this dude has a klan robe in his closet is so fucking cringe, man. We got some baby-brained slacktivist in here acting like it’s preposterous to think that a man who is paid to have his voice aired live for 162 2-3 hour games a year would make a slip up like this lol. Is it the worst word to say on accident? Obviously. However, don’t tell me that you don’t read “Negro League” and at least in your brain briefly associate it with that word or think to yourself, if even for a nanosecond, “god, don’t say the other one!”. Seriously, get a life. Get involved in this shit in some tangible level, please, for all our sake. Get offline and actually do something helpful for once.

    The dude seemed to have done what he needed to do in response to this and even had the president of the Negro League say he figured he wasn’t a terrible human. But, no, get your little dopamine rush from feeling morally superior because you’ve been so effectively neutered by modern political theater that you actually think this is accomplishing something.

    Unless, of course, the internal investigation found a Klan robe in this guy’s closet lol.

    EDIT: Go Cubs.

  14. I feel bad for the guy. It was an honest mistake when saying trying to say a word very similar to the slur. Unless he goes around saying that word or similar in his everyday life, he didn’t deserve to be fired

    Honestly, I dont like non-black people saying the actual league name anyways. Im white and it just feels wrong. Not saying I get to decide who says what or not, just that it bugs me.

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