My father bought the Chicago Bears for just $100 – now I own them and it’s worth SEVEN million times that

My father bought the Chicago Bears for just $100 – now I own them and it’s worth SEVEN million times that

  1. Closer to 70 million times. If the team is for sale for 700 million like she says count me as a buyer.

  2. She also helped screw over her brothers kids to take sole ownership of the team when their father died.

  3. She cut the Honey Bears too, anytime she wants to move on would be great. Looking for Super Bowls not an evil tyrant Grand Ma

  4. Investment advice: next time you go to buy a new TV save that money and buy an NFL team instead

  5. Nice but why did she get rid of what her father allowed which is the cheerleaders?

  6. He paid a lot more than $100. He bought out his partner in the 30s and damned near lost the team trying to pay back the loans.

  7. I grew up down the street from her. You would never know they were as wealthy as they are. My step brothers and I once cleaned up their yard, leaves and stuff, she gave us bears gear. This was in the 80s. Very nice people.

  8. 100 years ago nfl teams were 100 bucks, but you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your way in this world ! just start by washing dishes in your local corporate owned burger joint (good luck opening your own)

  9. Too bad this poor mom & pop franchise is facing such opposition from trying to bring tax revenue to impoverished & declining community … [checks notes] Palatine.

  10. And? Everything is cheaper when it first starts then it gets more expensive over time. It’s how economics work

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