Anyone else tired of eating popcorn? 🍿

Anyone else tired of eating popcorn? 🍿

  1. Let’s not get cocky. Let’s let them battle it out as long as necessary.

  2. The fucking complete opposite for the r/heat right now unfortunately 🤦‍♂️

  3. I am hoping for a 4 ot game 7 tbh. That way, they come into the next series exhausted and beat up. We have time to rest our injuries. No one else looks to be having as much fun as the panthers, so let them get beat up, because we aren’t going to go easy on them with our forecheck.

  4. With all due respect, please shut up. Look what happened when we bragged about playing Denver in the heat sub

  5. Bruh I’m not relaxed at all. Whoever we have is going to be a tough team.

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