“We love each other, truly…I grew up with two older sisters and this is as close as I’ll ever come to having brothers.” -Ernie Johnson, talking about Charles, Kenny and Shaq

“We love each other, truly…I grew up with two older sisters and this is as close as I’ll ever come to having brothers.” -Ernie Johnson, talking about Charles, Kenny and Shaq

  1. Such a great crew honestly. In an era where comedy is on it’s deathbed due to changes in society, these guys manage to crack us up every night with stuff that is for all audiences and only on occasion skirts the line of what’s politically incorrect while still being a good basketball show. The genuine chemistry and affection they have for each other is so evident – hope they keep this crew together for as long as they can and want to.

  2. They have the GOAT sports talk show for a reason. When chuck retires it’s gonna be a sad fucking day

  3. Nothing, and I mean nothing comes close in TV to the chemistry these guys have. I would give my left nut to have TNT do the Finals.

  4. Been watching since Chucks first day. Going to be a sad day when they hang it up.

  5. This entire South beach session is very much worth watching. Ernie talks about the crew, his work and more importantly taking care of Michael.

    He mentions getting mad at Shaq for being late in front of the crew. Then the relationship got icy for rest of the day. Next day, Shaq came early and Ernie unprompted went up to him and hugged him and teased him to cheer him up.

  6. I’ve been watching Inside since Magic was on. It was always the first thing I would add to record when I got a new DVR. My dream would be to watch the games with them.

  7. To me they’re like the basketball version of the Top Gear grew, infinite chemistry, funny, and always a good time. Let’s enjoy it while it lasts.

  8. People love the TNT guys because they’re genuine. You can see it on TV. Not like that other network where it’s all about egos and hot takes.

  9. Inside the NBA is what topgear used to be before Clarkson hit the producer (the chemistry, the banter, the fun, the product; the grand tour was not the same as when they were on topgear).

  10. What I like about the show is that it gives the hosts time to speak up their mind and have a somewhat normal discussion and not just sprout controversial takes and issues in a debating mood.

    Each host takes their time to share their thoughts and EJ sets that tone. He is skillful in managing the conversations and topics in such a way that they don’t appear to be forced or scripted (unlike the ESPN shows). You just sit on your couch, listen and watch them talk about basketball and anything else and you just enjoy the show as a basketball fan.

    One can feel the genuine respect and closeness each one of them have to one another. Each one of them know their roles and responsibilities. They feel secured in their positions as hosts and they do not try to upstage one another.

    I am just trying to appreciate the show before it comes to an end in the future.

  11. God damn. Didn’t think I could like Ernie more than I already do. Or that he would make me even briefly think about the significance of relationships in my own life. Inside the NBA is a national treasure. I legitimately look forward to it.

  12. I still think the show is better without Shaq. I don’t find him particularly witty, he seems to be a insecure bully, and has only one main come back; the amount of rings he has. Plus I barely understand what the hell he’s saying. I think his basketball analysis is not very insightful either, it always centers back to how he has the heart of a champion and everyone else should too. I thought Candace Parker talked circles around him when they went head to head. In other words, I don’t think he adds any value and the show would be better via addition through subtraction. He should just stick to doing stupid commercials and buying meaningless degrees.

  13. Love earnie but tbh this show had been bad for a long time. How many dunk contests have been ruined by Kenny repeating hkmself over. And over. And over. And over.

  14. Ernie is probably my favorite sports broadcaster ever. Humility and perspective personified. although he never played in the NBA and is surrounded by stars and superstars, he is the glue that holds the TNT show together.

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