How will the Eagles handle right guard?

I thought this was an interesting article noting Jurgen’s lack of size for a guard and how it could affect the line. Also showing the opportunity Steen has to be a starter.

  1. The internet says Seumolu is 6’4 304 lbs and Cam Juergens is 6’3 290 lbs.

    This seems insane to call one of these guys large and the other small.

  2. Honestly think it’s gonna be a camp battle but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Steen just because Jurgens was literally hand picked to succeed Kelce.

  3. Its Jurgens job to lose.

    But i do find Kelces comments on Steen encouraging for the future outlook if not this year if he wins the spot.

    [Kelce on the OL rookies (skip to 54:10)]( to hear for yourself


    – Jurgens is strong at 307 but ideally guards should be about 320lbs (note Steen is 6’6 320)

    – on Steen, alot of convos about how Steen reminds players of Brandon Brooks 👀

  4. I just remember jurgens bulldozing dudes last preseason. I have a good feeling about him

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