Ok let’s go conspirators On the left Aaron Gordon, Denver Nuggets (NBA) Finalist and on the right Aaron Judge, New York Yankees captain (MLB). Judge never met his biological parents. He was adopted a few days into being born. What y’all think?!

Ok let’s go conspirators On the left Aaron Gordon, Denver Nuggets (NBA) Finalist and on the right Aaron Judge, New York Yankees captain (MLB). Judge never met his biological parents. He was adopted a few days into being born. What y’all think?!

  1. Wait. You’re telling me that Judge plays in the NBA under a pseudonym?

  2. Value brand Aaron judge is labeled Aaron Gordon.

    I say this as an u of a alumni who loved Gordon in college!

  3. How have we never noticed this before? Yeah this is all the proof I need. They’re related.

  4. This dude says, “oh my brother’s over there” and points to a group you know damn well which one he’s talking about. You might be on to something.

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