Hey Mods, this sub should join the protest of reddit killing 3rd party apps.

If you haven’t heard, reddit is changing it’s API in a way that will most likely kill whatever third party app your using on your phone for reddit. Hope everyone likes spam, you’re going to get a ton more of it if you move to the official app.


Bonus R.E.D.D.I.T. system from a sub that knows what’s up.


  1. I’m reading this on Apollo now. I never use the desktop site and I’ve never used the Reddit app

  2. The issue is less that there are users that use third party apps, and more that the Reddit Mod tools are shit (particularly on mobile) and many mods unless to use third-party tools to de-shittify their subs.

    I think it should be up to the mods, personally. If they rely on third party tools to moderate, then should absolutely participate in this.

  3. You’re telling me that there are some people out there not getting bombarded with those “Jesus died for your sins ads”?

  4. Hey Mods, this sub should absolutely not join the protest of reddit killing 3rd party apps.

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