[META]: should /r/nba participate in the upcoming Reddit blackout, to protest planned API changes?

Reddit has recently announced significant changes to their API function. This has proved hugely controversial, and in response many subreddits – including major default communities – plan to participate in a site-wide protest. This would consist of a 48 hour blackout, from Monday 12th June – in which these subreddits would go “private”, meaning users cannot see or post to these communities.

We would like to discuss our potential participation in this blackout with the /r/nba community, in order to make a collective decision on our action in line with what the userbase wants. Some of that discussion has taken place [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/141xpm9/your_input_needed_reddits_api_changes_rnba/) if you would like to review.

For a detailed explanation of what is changing and why this is important you can go [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) and [here](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg)

The TL;DR of the matter is that Reddit is adamant in changing conditions in the way that third-party tools interact with the site itself, making it harder and more expensive for apps and tools developed by outsiders to continue to exist.

Many Redditors exclusively use third-party apps for their browsing experience, so this will have a significant impact. Third-party apps and features are also crucial to several key moderation tools – removing these will make the subreddit harder to moderate, especially if tools to catch ban evaders and bad faith users are harder to maintain.

We are primarily here to serve the desires of the user base. We would put this subject to debate, and ask the community for feedback and guidance on what to do regarding this issue. This will include a poll, to help us further gauge opinion.

**Please remain civil in discussions being had, the subreddit rules for civility will still apply**

**Please be aware this blackout will likely occur during the closing games of the NBA Finals**

**Should r/nba participate in the upcoming site-wide blackout, planned to start on the 12th June, for 48 hours? Should we be prepared to hold out for even longer, as other subs have decided to? Should we not participate at all?**

#–>[Please vote here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfk9rrCiufT6AZD1mFia_Ff-scoqTW_5oA8iN178CxLoagJGg/viewform?usp=sf_link) <–#

  1. it’s meaningless as reddit is driving everyone to their own apps for profitability. either you stop using reddit altogether or you don’t. a two day blackout does nothing. this is capitalism.

  2. Seems like you can answer multiple times.

    To answer the question, I say yes.

  3. Your funeral bro every mod of major subs that participate in this are gonna get relieved/ Removed and have some Reddit AI take over. Shit Reddit might use this as a reason to immediately end API relations and close service on 3rd party apps. Reddit admins themselves seem to be pushing this Astroturfing

  4. back to watching basketball with our families rather than random strangers on the internet

  5. While I use this subreddit daily, I think we should blackout as long as everyone else is trying too

  6. Yea, the nba is one of the bigger subreddits with 8 million users and always apears on the top page of reddit. This is a ez YES for me.

  7. About to go on strike tomorrow, might as well participate in this blackout too.

  8. Out of curiousity, will this API change affect someone who uses the old version of reddit on PC, but does not use any 3rd party apps or features?

  9. Yes. Solidarity. Also a few days off Reddit would do a lot of the people on here some good

  10. YES.

    For years, Reddit didn’t have an actual app. It was third party apps like Apollo and Sync etc which many of us used to still be active on Reddit. They helped Reddit to grow a lot as well. Ease of access plays a big part.

    So YES to blackout and F reddit.

  11. This is classic “do your thing reddit”, it’s giving people the illusion of doing something without actually doing anything.

    Like come on you guys, this is the NBA finals can we please keep the main thing the main thing?

  12. absolutely not during the finals. I wanna watch Nuggets or Heat fans melt down.

  13. My only concern is that ESPN won’t have any content to steal and write articles for as long as the blackout exists. Think of Disney!

  14. > Third-party apps and features are also crucial to several key moderation tools – removing these will make the subreddit harder to moderate, especially if tools to catch ban evaders and bad faith users are harder to maintain.

    Let more people be mods then, it’s not like you have to pay them 🤷‍♂️

  15. Oooof giving up Reddit for **2** days guys??! Just like being nailed to a cross

  16. Anyone who is saying no because they want to see see peoples reactions to the game should consider that if this change goes through it would be forcing people to never be able to experience Reddit again unless Reddit makes their own app more accessible for disabled people.

    Stop being so short sighted and thinking only of yourself. You can go without a game thread for a game.

  17. Probably would be best to do something other than a Google Forms poll. Speaking as someone who moderates a comparably sized subreddit, we’ve been getting plenty of traffic from non-users who are coming to insist that we blackout (though a large amount of our regulars are also supportive). Just worth considering that some of the people who are going to vote don’t care about r/nba, they just want more subreddits joining.

  18. My vote would be no. We always tried to stay in our lane when making mod decisions in the old days of /r/nba and I hope that culture will continue.

    When I was an active mod for /r/nba I spent tons of time using the API for /r/nba scripts like game threads, flair bots, etc. It’s a miracle that reddit has gone so long without monetizing their API, which is one of the best.

    The previewed API pricing is outrageously high but I don’t think that is a valid reason to protest. Likely reddit will have to reduce the price when it gets low acceptance from the market and settle on something more reasonable.

    Third party app developers are actually being unreasonable to expect a totally free API. If the price was more fair then this would be a non-issue.

    Please consider that protesting a pricing scheme for an API is terminally online behavior. And this is coming from someone that has spent a lot of time using the API.

  19. As long as they don’t shut down nbacirclejerk that’s fine. That’s were the real discussion happens anywayS

  20. I truly love this sub. News, videos, etc, that’s all replicable. This place feels special. I will truly miss it. But it’s not worth it to let reddit keep doing this shit. I’d rather blow this place up than watch is slowly wither away.

  21. If it were the offseason i’d have no problem. But that would be during Game 5 of the NBA Finals so no.

  22. No, and good luck getting real results when the people unconcerned with this issue won’t care enough to vote on this

  23. Neckbeard 9/11. Can’t miss finals meltdown threads. Especially on a game day

  24. Absolutely, the sport still goes on without Reddit. We’ll survive a short period without it. Fuck greedy corporations.

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