Diamond (Bally) Sports Asks Court To Clarify If They Can Be Refunded For MLB Games They Paid For If They Reject/Stop Broadcasting Games For 4 Teams (D-Backs included) Before Baseball Season Ends

Looks like Diamond Sports, the owner of Bally Sports, maybe planning to reject some of the 4 teams (Diamondbacks, Guardians, Rangers, and Twins) contracts that were affected by last week’s court before the end of the baseball season as they filed an emergency motion for clarification of the court order. As shown, without nameing which teams, they discuss payments due July 1 that cover games for the remainder of the season for 2 teams and June 15 to another team that covers 75% of the season. They are saying if they were to reject those contracts and stop broadcast on August 1, the MLB teams would be able to double dip because they wouldn’t be refunding money paid by Diamond and could receive money from a new partner. So Diamond wants a new line to be added to the court order so they will be refunded for money for games they didn’t broadcast if they reject the contracts before the end of the season. The line they want added to the order will say the following:
“In the event one or more of the Agreements is rejected or terminated and the Debtors cease broadcasting a Club’s games, the respective Club shall pay to the Debtors all amounts previously received by such Club that are attributable to content that would have been received by the Debtors after the effective date of the rejection or termination of such Agreement, calculated by dividing the total rights fees due under such Agreement for the 2023 season by the total number of games that would have been delivered following the effective date of the rejection or termination of such Agreement.”

  1. Wow, they are actually about to no longer exist. Like, they’re dangling off a cliff just waiting to let go.

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