Angels Baseball is for All

Angels Baseball is for All

  1. Tonight’s hat is super high quality, very pleased with it!

    Without getting too political in our baseball sub, I was a little bummed about pride night though – it felt like an unofficial event.

    I know lots of OC is a recently-purple area with lots of work to do on LGBTQ issues. There were even protestors outside the game today, more than the usual “you’re all going to hell” sign guys

    The first pitch was not thrown out by a member of the OC Pride organization. The national anthem was not sung by any prominent member of the LGBTQ community. Nor the 7th inning stretch. Best they could do was “place the game ball on the mound” by someone from OC Pride?

    The pride hat giveaway was only for tickets in certain sections, presumably as to not upset people by making it a gate giveaway (like bobblehead nights, etc)

    Felt like they were being hamstrung by owners or community members to not go “too far” in support of pride night

    Always glad to see it done, but you almost wouldn’t have known it was pride night at all.

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