The Dermody Issue: What and Why

For those unaware the Red Sox were originally going to start a replacement level player named Matt Dermody last night, only to backtrack after some rather [distasteful tweets he made surfaced]( And by “rather distasteful” I mean homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, pro-Nazi, pro-Russia, and advocated for lynching.

Now, for the most part a stranger’s own beliefs and views are immaterial. But in a team sport how can you depend on such a person, especially if you’re trans or gay or Jewish or black? Any decent person should immediately realize this guy cannot be a good teammate–and he’s not talented enough to get away with being a shit human being.

Edit/moral of the story: Either all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights

Or no one is.

  1. Also a friendly note for all our LGBTQ+ brethren in particular at this particularly genocidal junction of American history: Stay strong and stay safe. And move to the Northeast ASAP.

  2. So now he’s starting today? Unless they bench or simply fire him, the Red Sox clearly don’t care.

  3. It sucks. It’s a bad move on the Sox part and I’m not watching tonight’s game if he starts. I’m not ignorant to believe that every member of the Sox (or any professional athlete) has views and opinions that match mine like I’m sure so many “well actually” contrarians are gonna be quick to point out, but this dude being so vocal *and* the FO knowing about it rubs me the wrong way. Hope he gets lit up in the first and disappears and we never see him again.

  4. Look, it’s one thing to live in reality and accept that MLB skews very conservative. I don’t expect my favourite players to agree with my personal beliefs, and that’s okay, because I’m not supporting them for their personal beliefs, but because they play for my team. Athletes are people, and they have the right to speak as much as I have the right to disagree.

    This is a *completely* different level. His tweets/likes are hateful, targeted, threatening, and cruel. It has no place in this organisation and it has no place in Boston. I hope he gets absolutely shelled, and if that means we lose, that means we lose.

    To any LGBTQ+ Red Sox fans reading this crap, this sub has your back. I’m so sorry this organisation doesn’t sometimes.

  5. I just looked at your link. This is really disappointing. I really hope the Sox take a close look at what they’re going to do about this.

  6. I thought I could hate the Red Sox more… then they bring in this fuck. I hope he just lit up tonight and then DFA’d.

  7. Fuck, now I’m bummed. I hope they change their minds about starting him. I really wanna watch tonight, but I don’t think I can if he’s starting.

  8. Fuck this guy. Let some other team put up with this bullshit and trade him.

    There’s no place in modern times for this view and to give him a platform to share it by being in the majors is malpractice by the Red Sox.

    We’re better than this asshat.

  9. How can you be pro Nazi and pro Russia at the same time? Learn history first before being that dumb.

  10. He’s a kid…..I would have posted so much stupid shit if I had social media when I was young

  11. His tweets were known previously, they still brought him on board.

  12. He is going to start tonight and I think someone’s political views shouldn’t impact baseball decisions. I am able to separate baseball from someone’s personal opinion. Baseball has different people from different walks of life. I am not meeting him nor am I planning to. We had people refusing the vaccine on our own team. Jeffery Springs rejected the rainbow. Patrick Corbin as in some Q shit. I don’t agree with it but it shouldn’t prevent them from pitching. Dermody is an up and down 32 year old pitcher that is like Ryan Weber or Matt Hall.

  13. What sucks is that when he was signed I heard about these tweets and his political leanings. It wasn’t a secret, they didn’t just surface.

  14. All this aside is he even good at pitching? I had never heard his name before today. My guess is that he won’t be around long and the boos will be thunderous.

  15. I expect the comments to be shut down for the reasons OP stated. But I hope the mods leave the post itself up.

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