[Park] Kepler: “I learned from the mistake I made. I should have had second with ease.” Would he have scored on the Lewis hit? “I should have, yeah, if I was on second. Yeah. Probably.”

[Park] Kepler: “I learned from the mistake I made. I should have had second with ease.” Would he have scored on the Lewis hit? “I should have, yeah, if I was on second. Yeah. Probably.”

  1. This is Max Kepler’s 8th year of being a full-time MLB player.

    I’ll just leave that there.

    It’s one thing when Gilberto Celestino makes base-running gaffes. It’s another when a guy has been in the league almost a decade now.

  2. Why did they not trade this worthless pile during the off-season? He’s a minor leaguer at this point,

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