[The Athletic] Pronman: Who are the top defensemen in the 2023 NHL Draft?

[The Athletic] Pronman: Who are the top defensemen in the 2023 NHL Draft?

  1. Tier 1

    >1. David Reinbacher
    2. Dmitri Simashev

    Tier 2

    >3. Tom Willander

    Tier 3

    >4. Axel Sandin-Pellikka
    5. Tanner Molendyk
    6. Oliver Bonk
    7. Mikhail Gulyayev
    8. Lukas Dragicevic
    9. Maxim Strbak

    Tier 4

    >10. Etienne Morin
    11. Arttu Karki
    12. Theo Lindstein
    13. Luca Cagnoni
    14. Daniil Karpovich
    15. Beau Akey
    16. Caden Price
    17. Cameron Allen
    18. Gavin McCarthy
    19. Andrew Gibson
    20. Hunter Brzustewicz
    21. Jakub Dvorak
    22. Aram Minnetian
    23. Andrew Strathmann
    24. Emil Pieniniemi

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