[Piccone] Franzke and L.A. react to another Ump Show making up their own rules on the fly

[Piccone] Franzke and L.A. react to another Ump Show making up their own rules on the fly

  1. Something seems suspect about the umps whenever they play in Philly. The pitch clock is faster with analytics to back it up, makes one think.

  2. So I read the [statement](https://twitter.com/byalexcoffey/status/1667679305227182081?s=20) from the crew chief and it’s just as ridiculous as what we saw on the field.

    They’re trying to say Nola was circumventing the pitch timer by asking for more balls as the game went on and that they made the call based on that. If that really was the case, wouldn’t you warn the guy at some point or check in with him at least between innings when doing the glove check?

    Nope, professional level umpires would rather throw a tantrum in front of thousands so that we all acknowledge them and their circus.

    Good on Thomson for berating them. It won’t change anything, but these guys need to be getting earfuls frequently.

    I dig LA’s malicious compliance suggestion too about tossing out a few more after that mess.

  3. Can we just fire manfred and reverse all of these dumb rules. Stop giving the umpires more power. They’re garbage enough already

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