Some Twitter Phil’s fans had something odd to say about Corbin getting hit…


Am I missing something here or is that not even close to “standing over the plate”

  1. I think we all would be a lot better off if we just lived our lives as though Twitter and its braindead users didn’t exist.

  2. Yeah there was some really odd discourse on twitter about the whole situation. I saw a lot of people giving Torey shit for standing up for his guy.

  3. We’re talking about Philadelphia fans here. Same people who root for the Eagles and 76ers. A bunch of bozos who like to burn down their city when they win something.

  4. I closed my Twitter account a little over 2 years ago. I haven’t regretted it for one second. It’s a cesspool.

  5. They’re Philadelphia fans this is par for the course. This isn’t to say all Philly fans are like this but I’ve been to Philadelphia and they are an angry bunch over there.

  6. It was nice having them in our subs but I see Phillies fans the same way I see eagles fans and sixers. They’re all the same

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