⚾️🔷🔴 I design a new Atlanta Braves jersey after every series win this season: “Modern Classic – Powder”

– Series: 2-1 @ Tigers
– Season Record: 42-26

IG: @sgzjzy | Twitter: @mrjojostephens

  1. This one is a winner. I mean, all of your designs are a winner, but a play off the baby blues is great.

  2. I love your designs. This is probably my favorite one so far bc the baby blue jersey is one of my favorites.

  3. I really look forward to these concepts. Great work as always. Haven’t missed yet.

  4. The from office people really need to give you a call. The city connect jerseys are a big L all around.

  5. Every single design you’ve posted has been money, OP. What we could’ve had… And to add insult to injury they took our beautiful throwbacks and made them worse.

  6. This tomahawk sleeve is beautiful. I would love to see you try this again on a very simplified design. A beige/cream Sunday home 🫣

  7. You make something that clears our city connects every week, god i hate Nike. I’d never pay retail for jerseys usually but I’d consider it for most of your designs

  8. Looks good! I havent played in months, and that was 22 the show, but it looks very nice!


    Edit: a small Noc-a-homa instead of the Nike check. Good lordt.

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