He better be wrong about this! I don’t want someone who shoots less than 40%

He better be wrong about this! I don’t want someone who shoots less than 40%

  1. VanVleet isn’t good, but it’s funny because Harden shot that exact FG% in the playoffs lol.

  2. I would actually be shocked more than one of these things happens. And it’s the most boring one.

  3. Would love to S&T Harden to the Lakers. They have decent bench depth pieces to match salary and “fuck them picks” energy. Far better outcome than Harden walking. Harden for Beasley, Vando and their FRP?

    And it makes sense in a neutral sense. Harden is a California guy who would love being L.A. He’d be great with LeBron and AD if they can get on the same page, and Harden is way more reliable than Kyrie. Lakers would also sell a shit ton of jerseys and tickets on top of it.

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