Would you like to see OEL back on a cheap contract?

Would you like to see OEL back on a cheap contract?

  1. Around league minimum at max 2 years, why not.

    I honestly think toch broke him, and at his age im not sure its salvageable. He would be a good mentor for guys like soda, but is also essentially a 3rd pairing guy at this point in his career.

    Love the guy, but building a team on emotion or nostalgia is a terrible idea.

  2. I’ll be the crazy one and say yes. For three reasons:

    1. He’s already paid. He can take a league min contract for a couple of years, and he said he loved it in AZ, so could be incentive to come back and wear the kachina for close to nothing. We’re not planning on being competitive the next couple of seasons, so what’s the risk?

    2. I want him to retire a Coyote. Playing his last seasons (assuming this is the beginning of the end for him) here would give him that organic ending.

    3. What an absolute mindfuck it would be to Vancouver to have them buy out the contract we signed him to, then get him back on a min contract.

  3. If we didn’t have the history, I feel like he be just the kinda player we’d be able to bring on and get some good seasons out of. It would also be interesting to see how he’d do with Bear’s more creative play. Plus I just kinda like the guy and feel for him that his career didn’t go the way we all expected.

  4. Honestly if we can get him for 1m a year yes.

    Like ghost he might have a resurgence

  5. Nope. Was over hyped. Used to watch him give up on people getting around him on the regular.

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