Jake Fischer: “Utah has also contacted Indiana about trading into the seventh selection.”

Jake Fischer: “Utah has also contacted Indiana about trading into the seventh selection.”

  1. This would make sense IF we were trying to add more pieces and not consolidate. If our pick came up and there were still 3 players we liked then flipping the 7th pick for the 9th pick and an asset would make sense. Problem is we don’t have the roster spots for a move like that, so this won’t happen

  2. At this point of the process, and with the amount of picks already this draft, I’d rather add quality over quantity. If it’s part of a bigger picture then I’d be ok with moving out of the pick. This draft doesn’t have the same level of intrigue with who could be there as last year

  3. Am I horrible fan for just wanting this to just play-out and stop thinking about it? Lol

    I’m getting dizzy with this flood of reports, rumors, and smoke screens on an hourly basis.

  4. I wouldn’t mind trying for 9-16-17 instead of 7-26-29-33.

    IF the FO is fine with either Jarace or Taylor, one of them should be there at 9. And then we get two higher chance stabs at a sleeper pick at 16-17.

    Hell maybe the Mavs are cool with 16, 17 and a roleplayer for 10 and then we get to pick 9+10

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