With new gambling policies, the NFL is admitting they screwed Jameson Williams – Pride Of Detroit

With new gambling policies, the NFL is admitting they screwed Jameson Williams – Pride Of Detroit

  1. Fuck the NFL, fuck Goodell, fuck the refs, fuck the packers, fuck the gotcha journalists.

  2. Unfortunately they won’t lower his suspension, he needs the playing time to get better

  3. Should we try to start a petition to at the very least shine a bigger spotlight on the NFL’s hypocrisy?

  4. Hopefully this is the only obscure or unknown rule that the league will screw the Lions on this year. We can wait til next year for another one.

  5. That’s not what that says at all. They are saying they need to carve out time for one specific policy because it’s rampant and players don’t read rules and policies.

    It was always the policy, in the handbook they sign off on, etc. They literally acknowledge they read the rules.

    What this says is, like anything else, you can’t trust people to read 😂

  6. I have no problem with the rule.

    I do have a problem if they do a shit job explaining it and do an even worse job enforcing it.

    They fucking suck and are too up their own ass to do the right thing. I get not fighting with the refs after they fuck you but if like Brad to come out and say look he messed up, he knows that but it’s clear the league is not handling this evenly across the board.

  7. Free Jamo. Fuck it, Dan makes money to pay fines, send team out there and have one WR just stand there for a play to send a message, remember Bengals players riffing on cointoss (except then it went overboard).

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