Joe Cronin on Scoot, Murray, Rupert: “And for us, it was one of those unique draft nights where we had all three of these players ranked in the lottery.”

Joe Cronin on Scoot, Murray, Rupert: “And for us, it was one of those unique draft nights where we had all three of these players ranked in the lottery.”

  1. Cronin is either a bad liar or has bad scouts: nobody had Murray or Rupert in the lottery. Though many had Rupert around the same range as Murray so he was definitely a steal in the 2nd round.

    If Cronin considers Rupert lottery talent, does that mean he’s going to play a larger than expected role in 2023-2024?

  2. I mean.. In these interviews every GM lays it on a little bit thick. They want to gas up their players and their picks. Cronin just doing normal things here.

    That being said he did do really well compared to mocks I’ve seen. Schmitz is no joke.

  3. I caught that too. It’s definitely promising that Schmitz is presumably so high on all of them. All three seem like the type of smart, driven, high character guys that should be successful in the league.

  4. Annnnd… We need a better coach, you know. Iean um… You know I’m just, you kno. Excited, you know and umm. And basketball IQ and you know ACTUAL IQ! God damn that was some dumb ass talk.

  5. Maybe some hyperbole there but it really wouldn’t be that crazy if he was telling the truth either. I mean both Murray and Rupert got green room invites, and both seem like players Schmitz values.

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