Brad Stevens on Jordan Walsh being a shooter in Boston: “When he came for his second draft workout, we did 100 spot 3’s, he was in the 50’s in May and 74 in late June. So that shows you there’s work being put in. It shows you he’s got the touch to be a good shooter.”

Brad Stevens on Jordan Walsh being a shooter in Boston: “When he came for his second draft workout, we did 100 spot 3’s, he was in the 50’s in May and 74 in late June. So that shows you there’s work being put in. It shows you he’s got the touch to be a good shooter.”

  1. People have such a binary view of defense first guys but even the vanderbilts are mid shooters… if Walsh can be a 32% shooter who makes the right connective passes and ends up in the right spot for a rebound/layup pass then he’ll probably get consistent minutes

  2. Can’t wait to root for this dude, I’m definitely too high on a second round pick, but I’ve heard only great things about him.

  3. The Brad draft pick propaganda is in full force, I wanna believe sure why not if Grant did it

  4. Great to hear that he could become a good shooter but remember to temper expectations. People saw those videos of Ben Simmons in warm up hitting three’s and thought it was over.

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