Heaney to paternity list, King recalled



  1. Not a big deal. Heaney will most likely miss just one start, and chances are it’ll be Bradford that game, and he’s been really solid since the Braves game.

  2. Now that Sborz is established in the bullpen, King is the new Sborz, called up every time there’s one of these “we’ll need somebody for 3 days” kind of moves.

  3. Rangers pitching staff giving off lots of new dad vibes lately. Who’s next?

  4. Yall whats important is hes coming back with dad strength. Remember Dunning also had a kid a month or so ago

  5. Jacob Dadgrom

    Dad Dunning

    Andrew HeanDaddy

    Maybe there’s some correlation between the Rangers being good and the SP’s virility levels surging like never before 🤔

  6. But really though, congrats to him. What’s more is that this extends his ASB, meaning he’ll have had two weeks off, which could be a blessing in disguise.

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