The Monforts Will Never Ever Sell; These Numbers Tell The Tale

The Monforts Will Never Ever Sell; These Numbers Tell The Tale

  1. The Monforts bought the Rockies for $95MM back in 1992, an eye-watering sum at the time. Now valued at $1.5 Billion, the team brings in nearly $300 million year over year. (Source: Forbes)

    They’d be absolutely crazy to sell, they are printing money after 30 years. I’m so damn depressed when I look at these numbers from Forbes. Especially the second screenshot here.

    So. Damn. Depressed.

  2. They’re not going to sell because they can still get 35 to 40,000 dumbasses to come to Coors Field to watch a crap team that’s going to lose 100 games.

  3. And they don’t have to pay for pretty much all of the food preparers. Notice how every stall is staffed by some youth organization or church as a “fundraiser “

  4. They might.

    It’s really when they get tired of owning they will sell.

    I don’t think any team will ever go the wirtz/Blackhawks route again.

  5. Honestly I get why he doesn’t sell if it’s generating that revenue.

    But man, what a greedy, selfish fucking prick.

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