Larry Nance is tired of clickbait

Larry Nance is tired of clickbait

  1. I do hate all the media clickbait bullshit, But I wanna see in on the court, it’s all well saying he’s working etc (which I think he is) but let’s actually see it, they’ve been saying he’s been working on a jumper since like his second year

  2. The real story that no one wants to talk about is that oversized hoop earring Z has been trying to make happen for the last couple years.

  3. I just read the story about Larry Nassar getting shanked in prison and was super confused for a sec

  4. I fucking love Larry. This dude bought in to the team and the city the second he walked in the building.

  5. It was hard losing Josh Hart. Thank the basketball gods that we somehow got Larry out of it.

  6. Larry preaching. Zion shot more jumpers this season than before, not a lot but it looks like something he’s been developing. Bro needs to play. Can’t get comfortable taking jump shots in game if you not playing

  7. Prick Puker is a complete hater. He has an irrational grudge against Lebron and I guess Zion too. I hate his big, stupid horse face.

  8. Ridiculous. Obviously he needs to work harder on diet and fitness. But how can anyone watch this dude play and think he isn’t working on his skills. The touch Zion has is unfucking believable.

  9. NBA Twitter is cancer. Read the replies to any headline to instantly contract hepatitis. It’s best for everyone’s health to just stay off Twitter and enjoy the basketball games.

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