Who Dey chants at the Post Malone concert

Who Dey chants at the Post Malone concert

Who Dey chants at the Post Malone concert
by u/Tripp716 in bengals

  1. I admire that he is at least loyal to his Cowboys instead of wearing whatever jersey the hometown team is like other artists.

  2. “Season’s coming soon, ladies and gentlemen”

    Yes it is, Post. Yes it is.

    *”It is perfect that the most popular team in Mexico* [*is the Dallas Cowboys*](https://deadspin.com/sorry-cowboys-fans-but-2022-will-once-again-not-be-y-1849323462)*, because the Mexican national soccer team and the Cowboys, they’re the same thing.* ***A completely overhyped do-nothing outfit with a fanbase that is convinced of its team’s and their own greatness with absolutely nothing to support that***. A*nd every time we get to the time that really counts, both spit up a hairball the size of a Cadillac. Neither has accomplished anything in the modern era, and yet they keep being treated like they truly matter. They don’t, and the only reason they get so much coverage is they keep demanding it through their own tantrums and inflated sense of worth that has only been built on their previous sense of self-worth. It has no foundation anymore.”*

    From here: [https://deadspin.com/dallas-cowboys-overhyped-san-francisco-49ers-nfl-playof-1850017685](https://deadspin.com/dallas-cowboys-overhyped-san-francisco-49ers-nfl-playof-1850017685)

  3. Wonder if it would’ve happened in like 2018 or 19 haha. Man I’m so happy we’re finally good. I thought I was gonna die without winning a fuckin playoff game. I’m only in my 30s but still. There were dark times.

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