First day of school, where you sitting??

Table 3 could get weird šŸ˜‚

  1. If youā€™re not taking table 4 for the sole chance of shooting your shot with Taylor Swift you crazy

  2. Adult me is sitting with Kelce and Lil D. Kid me is sitting with Randall and being in awe

  3. 3 would be interesting. Kelce is a no brainer, Lane I have all the respect for the in the world about being open with his struggles, I have a prime Rock Paper Scissors opponent, and I haven’t seen Lil Dicky since high school.

  4. I ainā€™t sittinā€™ with a bunch of heads only. Whereā€™re the rest of the bodies? šŸ˜

  5. Iā€™m sitting at table 3. The minute Will smith starts talking ima slap that dickhead in the mouth and Yell ā€œkeep the birds name out your mouth.ā€ He belongs to L.A. now

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