Zion Williamson on his struggle with being overweight: “It’s hard…. I have all the money in the world”

Zion Williamson on his struggle with being overweight: “It’s hard…. I have all the money in the world”

  1. Its hard, Ive tried everything, except excercising and eating right of course

  2. Good luck to the guy. Weight isn’t my issue, but I have my own habits I’ve found extremely difficult to break.

  3. I can’t stand journalism man lol. His answer was pretty honest if anyone actually took the 15 seconds to watch it

  4. Then get a personal chef. You have all the money in the world to spend on high quality food and have someone do everything for you, and you exercise for a living. Keeping weight off shouldn’t be this much of a struggle.

  5. Can relate. I have an overeating issue too. Some days when I go to the gym and lift I get ravenously hungry. Like I’d eat SO much in one sitting. Other days I’m snacking freely not giving a fuck. Chocolate and pringles come to mind.

    Been trying to regulate my eating. It is HARD to go from eating a lot to eating less. I dont know how to describe it. It’s like going from being rich to being destitutely poor, or going from a nice apartment to a shitty one. You can’t do the thing you once did (eat freely), you have to eat less and deal with it. And the hunger will constantly claw at you

    On my weight loss journey the one thing I noticed is that my “fullness” after eating a smaller meal only comes 1 hour after. So even if I still feel like I could eat more portions, I stop knowing that I’ll just feel full if I wait on it.

  6. That ironically makes it easier at the same time. Like he can hire a drill sergeant type character to follow him around and a personal chef to make lower calorie but delicious meals. A lot of dudes are eating boiled chicken and broccoli with tabasco sauce lmao.

  7. At least he acknowledges it. If he has the right people around him he should be able to overcome it

  8. Of all the Duke players that left school early he is running a close first for the least mentally prepared. Even Kyrie didn’t struggle this much in his first years out.

  9. It’s literally his job to be in peak physical condition. Dude has no excuse.

  10. I don’t think some of y’all realize how much fucking food this guy has to be eating. He’s a massive human being who is running around a shit ton and lifting weights. He already requires a fuck ton of calories just cause of his size. Add in how much he is moving each day and he’s gotta be just grabbing and eating everything in sight man. Either that or he just eats stuff that is just dense as hell in calories for very little amounts of food that isn’t filling.

  11. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between r/nba and r/nbacirclejerk. This is one of those times 💀

  12. I’m going through a cut right now and it’s actually wild to see how much 1800 calories can actually consist of and at the same time feel like you’re incredibly hungry.

    I think it was Frank Zane who said more or less if you’re goal is to lose weight you just have to accept the fact you’ll always be hungry. I’m rooting for Zion hard, hopefully he can get the mental health he needs to stick to his regiment.

  13. “No one ever got fat eating fruit”

    Best advice I ever heard. Eating is such an issue for many. You want to keep eating something. Fruits and veggies are the way

  14. Glad he acknowledges it and seems sincere but he shouldn’t be getting sympathy for this

  15. Maybe I’m ignorant but I’ve seen chefs cooked great food healthy. I wished I had access to a chef but good luck to him loosing weight is hard if you don’t have the proper resources

  16. Invest that stuff man. You won’t be rich for long if you don’t. Then you’ll just be a fat guy with blown out knees like the rest of us.

  17. If I had his money, I’d have a chef just cook meals for me everyday. I’d happily stop eating fast food lol

  18. He is naturally a big dude. His body is demanding food. People act like he has an eating problem, but really he is battling evolution and his own genetics. I hope he makes it.

  19. I don’t think people realize how serious addiction to food can be.

    As someone who has had several different addictions, I would say that food has been BY FAR the hardest for me to fix.

    I wish we treated it more like a serious issue instead of just calling somebody lazy and humiliating them.

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