What happened to you guys

What happened to you guys

What happened to you guys
by u/SpeedywolfX3 in nflmemes

  1. Us Lions fans living through Stafford saw him get his ring so we don’t need to root for them anymore

  2. Some of us are still here in spirit, apparently a lot of people jumped on for just that one year…

  3. Omg 😂😂😂. I was just going at it with my buddies (Fins, 49ers and Bucs fans) about how we have fans!!! And then I come on reddit and see this 🤣🤣🤣😒🤦.

    Vamos Rams🐏 🔵 🟡!!

  4. I hopped on after the Chargers left because I want them to decimate Douche Spanos in the LA market and make him file for bankruptcy. I realized after they won the Super Bowl that I care more about my fantasy team than any NFL teams. Still root for them though.

  5. We went 1 and 15 when I was in high school. Didn’t jump ship then, won’t now even if we are bad for a decade haha

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