Official statement jersey image

Official statement jersey image

  1. I mean we have one of the best cultural and artistic cities in the world, and we go boring. I mean adding a different neckline and adding the city nickname on practically the same red template…? Boring.

  2. The Red jerseys our best look and they somehow downgraded em. Just dumb. Also I was thinking about the fact we’ve yet to embrace the name “Pels” on a jersey and I think it could really look nice in a cursive script. Either way yet again we get let down despite all the great potential New Orleans has to draw from with Rap, Jazz, Unique Architecture and Culture. Shit sad really

  3. I guess I MAYBE like these a little more than the previous red jerseys….but my main problem has always been with the white and navy ones. Why can’t we change that shit?

  4. They recognize they need an update which is good but then they produce this which is not good

  5. They’re just anticlimactic to me. I’m completely indifferent so that’s what’s upsetting to me. Like they’re not bad, but also, it’s not good.

  6. The Pelican logo on top of the stripes make it look like a 2k jersey design. Just throw it on there ppl need to see it somewhere

  7. Whoever is making the decisions about these needs to be fired into the sun

    They had those great alts like 2 years ago, teased making them the default whites, then banished them to the shadow realm never to be seen again.

    Had decent Mardi Gras jerseys, then ran it back like 3 years in a row making them a bit worse each time.

    Everyone loves the red jerseys, so what do they make? Red alternates that are worse

    Design process aside it’s fucking brain dead

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