Need help with a hat I don’t understand

First time posting here. Just found the sub today, because I had a question about this hat. What is the reference here? Is that bird poop on the back of the hat? I’m looking for a genuine response as the description is of no help.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Wonder if it has something to do with the passenger pigeon memorial in Cincy, the last passenger pigeon lived at the Cincy Zoo till she died I think. Seems weird but it’s the first connection I drew.

  2. The brand is staple pigeon by Jeff staple. He had a Nike dunk collab back in the day in NYC that was an absolute madhouse. This is a staple pigeon collab with new era. That’s why it says staple and he’s just playing off of the pigeon name. A lot of his clothing still has a pigeon on it and lots of references to pigeons. And yes that is supposed to be pigeon poop.

    If you’re asking why this is a collab or why this was created to begin with …i have no idea lol

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