What’s Your Favorite and Least Favorite Uniform Combo?

My Picks

Favorite: Black Jersey/Gold Pants
Honorable Mention: Color Rush (Gold Helmet)

Least Favorite: Black Jersey/White Pants
Honorable Mention: White Jersey/White Pants (Non Color Rush)

  1. Might I also add my favorite was a tough choice. The white jersey/gold pants combo is also a great look. It’s clean and classic and most known for winning us our first and only Super Bowl!

  2. 7 and 9 man! Fire, stylish and unique. Not sure about the black helmet ya’ll? Also, are we one of the few teams to not try something new for a while, or is it just my stoner brain?

  3. All white Color rush is still number one for me.

    Number 2 is the jerseys in the last pic you posted. Would love for those to be the default home with the color rush being the default aways.

  4. We have a gorgeous set of uniforms! My favorite is black jersey with gold pants with white color rush as #2. The only one that is less than stellar is black jersey with white pants. 🤢

  5. Currently color rush is the best we have. The current shade of gold pants is pretty bad in my opinion so anything with those is the worst.

  6. As long as they promise to never wear that heinous black jersey/white pants combo again, I’m happy with any other combo.

  7. Black jersey with white pants is a foul combination that must never see the light of day again. Color rush with gold helmets is top teir. Make the golds match and a black jersey/pants version of it, and we have the undisputed best uniforms in the league.

  8. Favorite will always be gold helmet, black jersey, gold pants. Least favorite is anything with white pants unless it’s color rush.

    Honorable mention is my go-to Madden combo of black helmet, gold jersey, black pants.

  9. Favorite to least favorite:
    1.All black
    2.Color rush
    3.Black jersey w/ gold pants
    4.White jersey w/ gold pants
    5.All white
    6.Black helmets
    7.White jersey w/ black pants
    8.Black jersey w/ white pants

  10. Favorites:
    Throwbacks and
    Black jerseys, gold pants

    Least favorites:
    Black jerseys, white pants and
    Color rush uniforms with black helmets

  11. Black jersey gold pants far and away number one. I actually really like the black jersey white pants too.

    I absolutely hate the black jersey and black pants combo.

  12. I have always hated white jersey black pants. If the pants had a stripe or something I think they’d be ok.

  13. 1. White color rush
    2. Black on gold
    3. White on gold (only beats black on black because they won the superbowl in these)
    4. Black on black
    5. White on white
    6. White on black

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