What would the parking situation look like if the Team returns to the RFK site?

Just an evening thought on what the parking logistics would be if the team returned to the RFK site. I assume the GREEN would be available for parking? And maybe the YELLOW could be turned into new parking? Possibly adding some parking garages? If someone has some insight on this (who owns what, what would come with the site, etc.), I’d love to hear!

  1. There will be a lot less parking. The idea would be to build a mass transit friendly stadium that would be a lot more apartments, commerce, parks etc. parking ruins all of that. Chances are it would be very very few surface lots if any

  2. So what you need to realize is that ENTIRE area would be gutted, except for the ring roads. The existing plots of land are meaningless and will have little to do with the finished product.

    There’s no way the Armory survives, and due to the nature of the mixed used development it might make more sense to build the stadium where the existing large parking lot is.

  3. More transit. Build a parking deck for premium holders. One surface lot for normies. Most folks will take metro in. It’s a much better situation overall.

  4. 48 Metro Stations offer parking. Crystal City has free parking on weekends, Pentagon City Mall has a ton of parking, Ballston Quarter Mall has a ton of parking, etc

  5. All parking would be for Season ticket holders. The rest get public transit. Maybe some parking but you would want to book it with an app but then they will over book it so….

  6. If I had to guess they would make one of the green lots parking and the rest housing/retail. What they should do is have parking lots that you can shuttle to the game from. That way people can still tail gate and then get dropped off at the game. Obviously the rest will metro or Uber

  7. It will probably be similar to going to a capitals game. Small parking lots, mainly people using the metro system or other sorts of public transportation.

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