Devil Rays throwback jersey comparison (on field vs replica)

Just in case anyone here is a jersey nerd like me and might be curious, here’s how the jerseys stack up against each other.

The on field one was bought from the Authentics shop at the Trop, I got Enns because I’m a fatass and it was the only size 50 they had. The replica just arrived today and was ordered from and customized by The Bay Republic, size XXL.

I’m very happy with how the Eflin lettering and numbering turned out, I wasn’t sure if they were going to use the correct purple letters and numbers or not. I’m less happy however with the front of the replica and how much smaller the “Devil Rays” is vs the on field one.

So there you go. I’ll be checking the Authentics shop again when I’m there in two weeks for the Wednesday and Friday games to see if they’ve added any new inventory. This has been my Ted Talk.

  1. The size of the logo always deterred me from getting one. Figured I’d just save up and get an authentic one some day

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