Evasive email from the Orioles Fan Services team in response to complaint about Kevin Brown suspension

Thought I’d share how the Orioles fan services team is responding to complaints about the Kevin Brown suspension. Second photo shows my original email to them for context.

  1. At least you got a response lol my email was much longer and more direct so I doubt Ill hear anything

  2. No offense, but what on earth do you expect them to say to a fan lol it’s not like they’ll spill the beans because of an e-mail.

  3. Kinda weird that my lifelong team is in first place and I am recording tonight’s game to look for signs and listen for chants.

    You would think ownership would get out in front of this to kill it and keep the good vibes rolling.

    Go Birds!

  4. I feel bad for the poor interns reading all of this. They have nothing to do with the situation and don’t get paid enough to care. I’m willing to bet these emails do not get passed up the chain. I love everyone’s passion, but it’s probably falling on deaf ears.

  5. They know the owner will find out what they respond and can their ass if they step out of line.

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