My fellow Olds Cowboys fans. Remember this?

Anyone remember these awesome Ring of Honor posters given out at Pizza Hut back about 40 Yeats ago?

  1. Well shit, spelling mistake in the title, I’m piss drunk now, they may be a bit crooked cuz of that. These posters seemed bigger when I was a kid lol. Got a hold of them and put them up for our Superbowl run this year. Always thought Bob Lilly looked badass with his laced up fingers.

    From top to bottom, left to right Roger Staubach,
    Mel Renfro, Bob Lilly(Mr Cowboy), Chuck Howley(congratulations on your induction this year sir), Don Perkins and Don Meredith(turn out the lights…)

    Look up highlights on these guys if you’re unaware.

    These were given out in 1984, which was a decent time to be a Cowboys fan because Danny White got the team to the NFC championship an infinite amount more than Romo and Prescott combined, making him the solid 3rd best Cowboys quarterback ever. No question about it. The original number 11.

  2. I met Mel Renfro as a kid when he was randomly doing an autograph signing in my city (this was before these types of signing were a big deal and attracted lines of fans)

    He had a bunch of memorabilia on his table and asked what I wanted him to sign…

    Me being about 7 years old pointed at his super bowl rings

    Mel replied “well your daddy might need a lot more money for something like that” haha

    I ended up with a signed picture of the 72 cowboys roster

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