Every single year of NFL history in 103 days. Today is 1921.

Every single year of NFL history in 103 days. Today is 1921.

  1. >Dayton Triangles

    I still reject that this was a real team, and not just a piece of Simpsons-based gaslighting.

  2. The Detroit Tigers & Cleveland Indians were so bad at football that they eventually had to be relegated to becoming baseball teams

  3. Having like eight shades of red make the map on the last slide impossible to decipher.

  4. Technically, the 2nd iteration of the Giants. The first being the 1919 version that never played a game due to NY’s blue laws at the time (couldn’t play on Sundays).

  5. Irsay needs to do a throwback and replace the horseshoe with a Dayton Triangle on the helmets for a game

  6. I love this and it’s beautiful, but I have some sincere feedback. It’s very late in the offseason to start this and it will get buried in training camps and even more so when the season starts.

  7. Really loving this Cardinals team can’t wait until they win the big game 🔥

  8. What monster colored Green Bay Packers in purple? How dare you sir?! How… Dare… You…

    Otherwise pretty fun to follow along.

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