Pete Alonso takes out some frustration on his helmet.

Pete Alonso takes out some frustration on his helmet.

Pete Alonso takes out some frustration on his helmet.
by u/handlit33 in baseball

  1. He literally kept looking at it like he wasn’t satisfied with the damage, so he just kept on.

  2. The “tanking is good!” crowd won’t be saying this when Alonso wants to leave because he’s sick of shitshows like this team

  3. It’s alright Pete!! Huge Mets fan here.

    We took a shot, it didn’t work, we have a 14 billion dollar owner, we’ll get it right. Reloading the farm system is all good, in the next 2-4 years Pete will be competing for World Series again.

    Let’s go Mets go!

  4. Why do these guys always smash the fuck out of their helmets rather than their bats?

  5. Maybe dude should meditate in the locker room in front of 47 cameras some more.

  6. This whole team can be traded idgaf, im so over spending my free time and money watching this garbage

  7. Surprised it didn’t bounce out of his hand into his head and give him a concussion.

  8. Well, when your team is out scored 35-3 over 3 games you gotta hit something because it sure as hell wasn’t a baseball.

  9. Wonder how long it’s gonna take for someone to say “throw it again”

    Man you Braves fans are really not very creative

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