James Harden showing off his Sweet Dance Moves in China

James Harden showing off his Sweet Dance Moves in China

  1. Harden is more about the shuffle, the crip/bloodwalk, the moonwalk, studder steps and the griddy.

    Hip and upper body dances are for the strippers which make me wonder how Chinese strip club(if there are any) have their own quirks.

  2. Wait hold up. Is this girl a giant or something? She looks above shoulder level to him

  3. My man blew up the 76ers and went dancing and riding on a moped in China.

    This man is a certified legend I ain’t even that mad at him for the Nets shenanigans anymore 😂😂😂

  4. This is up there with Klay Thompson in 2017 as the most menacing NBA player china trips.

    Klay trying to do a reverse dunk and eating pavement is a cherished memory.

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