Solving Puckdoku With Devils Players (Aug 18, 2023)

Solving Puckdoku With Devils Players (Aug 18, 2023)

  1. First, apologies to everyone for using Adam Oates last time. He coached but never played for the Devils. I’ll stick to just players from now on. Also I skipped yesterday’s because it was virtually impossible to complete with all Devils because of that 200+ goalie wins thing. If it has been a team with Sean Burke or Kirk McLean we could have been in business but neither of them played for Montreal or Ottawa. Anyways, here’s my thoughts on today’s puzzle as a Devils fan(atic):

    >!This one was harder than I thought, in a place I didn’t expect it to be. I definitely could have used Jaromir Jagr in like, several of these squares, but most of these were pretty easy to fill with other well-known Devils.!<

    >!At first I thought, oh boy, are there enough players who played for both the Devils and Rangers to fill that second column, and surprisingly there’s actually a ton of them. But I’m happy with the ones I picked because they’re also big Devils fan favorites.!<

    >!And then there’s Fredrik Claesson.!<

    >!I think the other eight squares took me about 10 minutes to finish and Claesson took me about another hour. Guys, if you told me he was the only player in the history of the NHL to play for the Devils, Sharks, AND Lightning, I would believe it. AND he only played 5 games for the Devils in the lockout-shortened 2019-20 season, plus a total of 15 games combined between Tampa and San Jose. This is the literal definition of bare minimum, but it technically counts.!<

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