[Highlight] Aaron Judge continues his onslaught with another home run! His 4th in two games!

[Highlight] Aaron Judge continues his onslaught with another home run! His 4th in two games!

  1. Tempted to start the Judge over Ohtani for MVP debate over on r/baseball just to see the reactions. 🙂

  2. This man said to himself “Fine I’ll do it myself” under his breath in a Thanos voice…. he’s going to drag us kicking and screaming into a post season birth somehow.

  3. Just saying. If Judge goes on a rampage and carries this team into the playoffs he would be deserving of another MVP. Just hit a homer or 3 every game the rest of the way and the rest should take care of itself.

  4. Injuries took from Judge what would have been the greatest clean 2 year offensive stretch since integration

  5. I love Judge and awesome to see. However, it is as if Cashass paid Nats to throw to him to make himself look good for a few days.

  6. I’m gonna enjoy it while I can because he’s gonna start getting fucking walked again

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