So, after seeing this, I’m convinced it should be Robbie Gould and no one else.

Like it or not, the concern should not only be having a kicker that can make a FG in week 1 or 2. The Browns need a kicker that can makes kicks all season, including when points are needed in the playoffs. Gould has never missed a kick in the playoffs. I need to see no further arguments for why the Browns should sign him. Add the fact that Gould has kicked in Chicago weather where the winds can be nasty coming off the lake, and you have someone that can thrive in Cleveland. Dawson has talked about how difficult it actually is to make a FG at First Energy. Gould has years of experience putting the ball up into the wind and getting it through the uprights.

1 comment
  1. Quit saying First Energy. It wasn’t called that when Dawson was kicking and isn’t called that now. And that company doesn’t even supply power to the stadium, bribed state officials for kickbacks, nearly had a nuclear meltdown, and was the proximate cause of the blackout of ’03.

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