Please bring this back, such a nostalgic jersey.

Chips and Dip

  1. I’m actually not a fan of the design, it has sentimental value but design wise it’s not great.

  2. They will for an anniversary edition and make boat loads of money. 20 years from now they will pay tribute to this team and chip by re-releasing this jersey lol

  3. The only context in which I wouldn’t mind seeing these outfit again is if we got a Christmas game, they would fit just right. Other than that fuck no.

  4. Those jerseys were great for the moment. When the team is good again, bring them back for a throwback night. It’ll need at least another decade to summer though.

  5. Being nostalgic for jerseys that were used less than a half decade ago. This only makes sense if you’re a child. But even if you are, these jerseys kinda suck

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