I’m the folds of her belly fat..

If it wasn’t embarrassing enough to be a Sox fan.

  1. Good god. Why are they protecting her identity and why on earth hasn’t she been arrested yet?

  2. In a season of strange upsetting shit, it keeps getting stranger. I really have no idea what’s going to happen between now and October.

  3. It may have been due to a small nest of rodents that were living in another fold. They got to playing, she started fidgeting, shells started flying. Happens all the time.

  4. What doesn’t kill you, make you stranger Joker. This 2023 season has been a complete cluster fuck. There is no bottom and keeps getting worse

  5. I feel for the security guards whose new protocol is going to have to be wanding people all up in their rolls 🤢🤮

  6. I remember someone here said they knew someone that was grazed by the bullet. Interestingly enough I’m pretty sure they deleted their comment about it.

  7. As a Sox fan, we go maybe 4-5 times a year for a game. You can’t bring any bags anymore to Guaranteed Rate, I dont even think clutch bags are allowed for women tho I could be wrong.

    Before you pass the metal detector, you have to leave phone keys etc in the bin right outside the detector than walk thru. Than you get wanded (inconsistent) right after than you can enter. How tf did this get by if this is legit

  8. I am so glad this was my first MLB game to attend! Came for Vanilla Ice and baseball, got so much more.

  9. Don’t forget in The Wire, Omar’s girl hid a gun in her pussy, drew it and the Vic said “it was the most disgusting thing he’d ever seen.”

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