Aaron Judge reached 250 career home runs faster than anyone in history.

Aaron Judge reached 250 career home runs faster than anyone in history.

  1. Did Ryan Howard have the record before this? Think Ryan Howard last good season was 31, same age as Judge now. I hope Judge can continue for years to come

  2. His first HR came the day my daughter was born. She just turned 7. The first HR I was present for came against the White Sox when I was in line for a beer. Hearing the sound off the bat, I gave up my spot, raced to the edge of the concourse and as God is my witness, the ball was still rising. We arrived late to another game and as soon as we got in sight of the field he hit a HR. I took my dad to a game on his birthday and he walked off the Astros. Daughter asked to go to a game and he HR’d in that. I’ve been to a bunch of Yankee games since came up and he hasn’t HR’d in like two of them.

    Jasson Dominguez just became the next Yankee to HR in his first AB tonight. Felt cool to watch that.

  3. Anybody think he gets away with the juice at all? No disrespect to him at all clearly he’s a beast regardless but 🤔

  4. Judge is amazing but “fast” is the incorrect way of describing this. Fewest games is better.

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