Rangers haven’t beat the Astros and have been outscored 27-7 since this

Rangers haven’t beat the Astros and have been outscored 27-7 since this

  1. I find it hilarious that other teams are so cocky and do shit like this and the Astros just keep on winning. They have something special culturally that keeps everyone in the game to win. Altuve Bregman Yordan Tucker etc don’t give two shits about doing stuff like this. They just want to win.

  2. I’ve seen it happen so many times. The Astros somehow always get back at teams that either talk shit or beat them bad. The best thing about it is they never really start the beef and kill ‘em with kindness. Fuck around and find out

  3. Nobody ever learns. It’s always “wE wAnT hOuStOn” just to realize….no. No they don’t.

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