Announcer Gus Johnson called the Colorado – TCU game and had a “Down the sideline!” moment which reminded me of this. (2nd link in the comments)

Announcer Gus Johnson called the Colorado – TCU game and had a “Down the sideline!” moment which reminded me of this. (2nd link in the comments)

  1. Once Gus Johnson was tapped with announcing the game, we should’ve known right then CU was going to win. There’s like no way possible that wasn’t going to happen w/ Gus announcing

  2. I automatically hear “Oh God…Stokley!” in my head every time I see Gus Johnson’s name.

  3. What a dick McDaniels was. His team just won the game—extra point didn’t matter—and he’s over on the sideline getting all pissy about calling a timeout. I am so glad the Raiders are cursed with him now.

  4. Gus Johnson always has a place in my heart for this call. Dude may not be everyone’s cup of tea but damn I love his energy

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