Final Strike to end the game (pitch #8), courtesy of CB Bucknor

Also, thank you lol, but that is just so bad. I know Joe got a call against him too last inning, so I guess it evened out, but Bucknor needs to retire.

  1. A pitch has to be over the white to be a strike, right? That final pitch was over the white, what is there to complain about? The batter’s box has a white line right there.

  2. I just got a notification from bleacher report talking about the weak strike 3 call πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I mean if I was a brewers fan I’d be angry but I’ll take it as a pirates fan. Just goes to show that the mlb does need robo umps or something to help with balls and strikes.

  3. It was a bad call, but iunno what else to say.

    Umps fuck up; if you think this is an argument in favor of robots, you might be right on this one.

  4. When the highlight reel of worst calls of the season comes out at the end of the year, this one will be a real contender for the #1 spot.

  5. Umps have been fucking horrendous all year and deserve to be shamed for the rest of their lives

  6. They all generally even out in the end. Milwaukee has benefitted from bad calls, I’m sure, just like Pittsburgh has. I definitely don’t feel bad.

  7. At least for the most part (meaning, not Brewers fans) everyone is pretty much, “LOL….what a joke”. Pirates fans know it. Baseball fans know it. The guy operating the scoreboard knew it. Even Brewers fans can take heart- It’s CB just doing CB things. I mean, does it actually surprise anyone? Angel Hernandez gives it two thumbs up.

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